Lazy Saturday
17 December, 2012 | 11:09 AM | 0 privatepaintings
 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps around*

 Being spastic with this girl during one of the days of the CS competition :B

Manage to wake up earlier than usual before my tuition starts so i decided to make some breakfast.
yum yum in my tum tum hehe
 Brought the babe to my favourite place (Teaparty cafe) for dinner! Hehe so happy she enjoyed the food as much as I did. Teaparty makes me hungry and happy!
 Favourite cranberry scone with strawberry cream cheese 
 Prawn aglio set
 Hawaiin Pizza
 The babe took a picture of me being happy taking picture of my food because I was really happy! Love how tpc makes me feel so at home. chilled and camwhored with the babe and left @ 9+ to meet the parents for a movie at jurong point! Hobbit was pretty alright for me but it was so long!!! (almost 3 hrs)

Town with the mother for Christmas shopping and dinner!
Super awesome Korean barbecue at fareast cuz the mom and I were so hungry!

Christmas presents from the mom hehe 

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