19 September, 2012 | 2:30 AM | 0 privatepaintings
 Hey all, whoever reads this space. Sorry for the lack of updates :'( Life has been..................................... pretty boring everyday I would say. Teaching, teaching and teaching from 10am to 8pm almost everyday. How interesting can life get, right? It's pretty depressing how I'm spending my entire holiday minus the last week teaching. It's not like teaching's not fun/interesting, but it seriously drains all your energy when you actually sit there for 10 hours, 6 days in a week talking to children. Meh, this holiday doesn't seem like a holiday at all :(

Got to meet jj for dinner at Manhattan @ Marina(where he works) cuz one of my student couldn't make it for tuition. Eating @ Manhattan Fish Market with jj who works there = Free cheese fries, free drinks and 30% off total bill. YAY x1237128371524871524 to that!!! haha

So in love with the new pink adidas running shoes the mom got me on Sunday :B
Cancelled all my tuition today cuz there was supposed to be meeting. But we all ended up in town just chillin @ starbucks haha. 7.5 more hours till my first student comes, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I dont wanna teach anymore :"(

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