04 June, 2012 | 4:04 PM | 0 privatepaintings
Hi hi hi hi whoever that reads my blog. ha ha ha
So hi guyz thiz iz myz currentz hairz colourz however it's starting to fade already and it's becoming like reddish brownish orangish??? Idontknow

So i did mention i was going shopping with the bro on saturday but THE CRAZY ASS CROWD DIDNT ALLOW US TO SHOP AT ALL. We figured it wasn't a good idea at all to shop during the weekends so......................... we went to eat at FISH at 313 hehe
 Self service salads which you can take non-stop i think? haha And for those of you who know me, I HATE, HATE HATE HATE k maybe not hate but I don't really like salads? But their salads are pretty ok with the dressing and all hehehe
 The bro's idk what is this
 And mine(: baked salmon with mushroom cream sauce omg so fucking awesome *drools*
So freaking full after the good meal and the mom and dad called to say they were gonna pick us up for supper. God, the bro and I almost died of eating. But GOOD FOOD WITH GOOD PEOPLE = GOOD TIME, right? haha

So after service yesterday I went back to the salon where i got my hair dyed to touch up on my roots.
 And the aunty was so naise she helped me to set my hair Idk why. hahahaha 
 And I really loved it so much. I wished my hair could stay like that forever :'(

When someone professional does it for you hehe
And when you try doing it yourself ( DAMN FAIL)
Went for my grandma's 64th birthday celebration

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