13 June, 2012 | 1:18 AM | 0 privatepaintings
1 down 4 more to go. hehehe
Today was supposedly the worst day of the week but I guess not anymore.
Everything went on so well. Firstly, my programming faci went for some course which i hope she would every week but obviously not. :< Then the faci who took over our class was so naise and all. I went like : '' FACI CAN YOU JUST TEACH OUR CLASS CUZ I REALLY HATE MY CURRENT ONE, SHE'S DAMN BITCH" and the faci went " Every teacher has their good points and bad points la and the school wouldn't allow" haha so cute. Secondly, UT was super manageable though i was so freaking scared at first. Yup I manage to finish the test we some confidence(: hehe #firsttime *claps*. And the dinner with my fav aunt and the bro to end my day(:

I can't express my love for my class. It's not even a love hate relationship thing. It's actually just love and more love. Like I can never find a bunch like them. They might not be like the coolest kid around school and all but they're like the most caring, kind and helpful bunch. I just love how real they are towards people or maybe me. Idk its just............... god i feel so blessed with lovely people like them :')

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