20 January, 2011 | 5:22 PM | 0 privatepaintings

Muscular Julia

School has been sucha bore, like seriously. Let's see what I've done this weeek.

My first official start of having tuition almost everyday, what do you think about my life. Fun huh! Lunch at 18 chefs with Carissa and Yun ( Misss carissa like I dont even know how to describe but apparently she says she's able to meet up with us every Monday(: )

My second day of math tuition which I cancelled already cos Yea I dont quite get what the teacher's trynna say. ( BUT I STILL HAVE MY FIRST TUITION) Lunched @ fushion with yun and leon.

Lunch with Evan, dinnesh, weesiang and jonathan chan @ 18 chefs. Met Nicole for physics tuition at 7 and we ended at 10 plus, Literally killed all my brain cells. Cabbed home and chiong-ed my D and T

Attire check in the morning was _|_ed up, Catch me for fringe? Fug? I have bangs eh. You blind? wtf is wrong with your eyes? SO what, I'm supposed to cut it above my eyebrows? You freakin kidding me? You gay shit or what. Lunch with loy and yun at fushion. Supposed to meet evan at cck but being forever late queeen LATE AGAIN. knn pissed. Went home and now getting ready for ss/history tuition. After tuition, I gottta chiong my D and T again cos tmr's the deadline for 2nd submission. Sumbudy juz keeeel me nao? Damn freaking tired.

Lets see a list of all the upcoming tests in just one week.

Friday: Physics test, English formal letter writing test.
Next monday: Maths test (sets and similarity) Chinese compo test.
Next tuesday: Chinese section A test.
Next wednesday: Chinese section B test.
Next thursday: Chemistry test one cations.

Has my life beeeeen interesting? I can't wait for sec 5 to be over cos it's a pain in my asssss.

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